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A summer internship that is so much more

By Jordan Gregory

Reflecting on my childhood, I realized I was always enveloped in Jewish joy, community spirit, and a sense of pride. Whether it was through Soloway JCC day camps, Ottawa Jewish Community School’s colour wars, or decorating Tzedakah boxes for Mitzvah Day, the happiness and unity I experienced became an integral part of who I am. I owe this to the Ottawa Jewish community.

As a young adult, my connection to the Jewish community has remained a core part of my identity. When I left Ottawa for university, at Western University's Ivey Business School in the fall of 2022, I immediately sought to connect with the Jewish student community. 

Over the past two years, I’ve taken on roles such as First-Year Representative and VP of Communications at Hillel Western. I’ve attended a Hillel Ontario leadership Shabbaton, participated in Hillel’s Jewish Learning Fellowship, and regularly joined Chabad Shabbat dinners, among other activities. I don’t like to sit still 😉.

For this summer and in the wake of Oct. 7, I aimed to find a role where I could have a tangible impact on my community and identifying the opportunity at the Federations seemed like the perfect fit. So far, my summer at the Jewish Federation of Ottawa has been incredibly rewarding. 

On my first day as the Social Media and Advocacy Intern for the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, I dove into researching national antisemitism, attended a CTV interview, and developed a new digital strategy for our Instagram page.

Now, halfway through my summer internship, the work has been non-stop. With encampments on university campuses, Federation’s 90th Anniversary Celebration, and the intense activity on Federation’s social media channels, it is never a dull day.

I am fortunate to have been involved in many diverse and interesting projects, and I’m amazed at my access and how I am valued. From learning about Federation’s operations to managing their Instagram page and Jewish Ottawa Helps Facebook page. I have written articles for the Ottawa Jewish E-Bulletin, drafted a letter to the president of uOttawa, prepared a brief for the House of Commons, organized Hillel Ottawa events, assisted with digital logistics for the Federation Annual General Meeting, and taken photos at more community events than I can count. The breadth of experience has been astounding.

Beyond the technical skills I’ve gained, I am extremely appreciative of the leadership, dedication, and crisis management lessons learned from the incredible mentors I’ve worked with. The Federation operates largely behind the scenes, tirelessly working to strengthen our community through the Microgrant program, event partnerships, advocacy efforts, outreach to community leaders, and its own events. Before this summer, I did not fully grasp the extent of the Federation’s impact on our community, but after just two months, I can’t imagine Jewish Ottawa without it.

I have grown up knowing about the Jewish Federation of Ottawa and all the organizations that it supports. Now I have a deeper understanding and appreciation for the work they do and how their efforts touch the Jewish and non-Jewish community. This community has shaped me into the passionate, proud, and active Jew and Zionist I am today, and my summer internship is only making me stronger.